Dr. Ciara Barrett.
Dr. Barrett is a Consultant Histopathologist with a special interest in Genitourinary and Lung Pathology. She was appointed to work at the Mater Hospital in 2011 as part of the HSE National Cancer Control screening programmes for Lung and Prostate Cancer. She sat on the NCCP pathology panel for the development of National Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of Prostate and Lung cancer. She is a Clinical Associate Professor in UCD.
Dr.Barrett previously worked as a Lecturer in Histopathology at the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. During this time she pursued research for her MD entitled “Prostatic Adenocarcinoma – development of a detailed molecular profile”.
Dr. Barrett is a member of the Prostate Cancer Research Consortium which is a co-ordinated group of researchers and clinicians from universities and hospitals in Ireland whose aim is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. She also actively participates in research projects in collaboration with colleagues in UCD and the Mater hospital and has contributed to the biobanking of prostate tissue.
Dr. Barrett is a member of the British Association of Urologic Pathologists and the International Society of Urological Pathology. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists (UK) since 2007 and is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pathologists (RCPI) since 2011. She is a medical graduate of University College Dublin (2000).