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Ms Catherine McGarvey.

Catherine McGarvey RGN RNP is a Candidate Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Prostate cancer surgery and survivorship, based in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Dublin. She has over 25 years’ experience working in Urology services.

Her interests include understanding patients’ experiences of cancer care, patient care pathways and the role of nursing within prostate cancer care. She manages the Rapid Access Prostate Clinics, as well as a nurse led functional outcomes clinic for men with prostate cancer.

Over the past five years she has set up and chaired a working group focused on tailoring the management of the surgical patient being treated with surgery for prostate cancer, and has developed the PRosper survivorship pathway. She is currently undertaking research to explore men’s narratives (life stories) of undergoing radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer.